- CBSE Affiliation No: 1030742
- Career
- Class rank/position will be given on the basis of the whole year’s assessment.
- General promotion upto class V.
- Students exempted on medical grounds for the Annual Examination for promotion to the next class, must appear for the supplementary exams. The date will be declared later. It is obligatory for the medical certificate to reach the School, prior to the commencement of the exams.
- A student will be declared pass or promoted to the next higher class after the Annual Examination only if he/she secures 33% marks minimum in each individual promotional subject with an aggregate of 35%.
- A grace of 5 marks in one subject will be given to the student to promote as “Pass by Grade” if he/she secures at least 35% marks in all other promotional subjects.
- Supplementary exam. Will be conducted for classes VI to IX in two subjects and in class XI one subject, if the student maintains an aggregate of 35% in other subjects.
- If a student remains absent for the terminal examination, neither will a re-test be conducted nor will any compensatory marks be awarded. Date for terminal test or exam. will no be shifted for the convenience of any individual case.
- A students will be eligible for appearing in the Annual examination if he/she has 75% of the total attendance.
- Admission of a student failing continuously for two years in the same class will stand cancelled.
- Admission to classes X, XI & XII and in case of failure repeating classes IX to XII will not be automatic, but students will have to seek fresh admission every year.
- Should any student be absent from terminal tests because he/she was representing the School in any sports or extra curricular activity, the concerned student will be awarded weightage of marks.
- Bonus marks for Educational Tour shall be awarded to the students.
- Due weightage shall be given to the students participating in NCC Camps/Scouts or Nationals.
- Note : Any amendment to the promotion rules during the session could be made if required by CBSE.